kreuzwerker GmbH | kreuzwerker Switzerland AG | kreuzwerker Sp. z o. o. Sp. k.

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© 2024 kreuzwerker GmbH

kreuzwerker GmbH | kreuzwerker Switzerland AG | kreuzwerker Sp. z o. o. Sp. k.

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© 2024 kreuzwerker GmbH

kreuzwerker is a full-stack software consulting company founded in 2010. The company has been an AWS APN Advanced Consulting Partner since 2015 and was the first APN Partner in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, to pass the new AWS APN DevOps Competency. kreuzwerker experts have integrated cloud native software development into startup, SMB and enterprise environments for hundreds of clients.

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About us


Our Services

AWS Business Offerings

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We advise, coach, plan, develop, migrate and host - we unleash digital potential.

We help you navigate the AWS Cloud Native and Serverless ecosystem as well as think through your architecture design choices. We also support you in adopting good practices whilst delivering your Serverless solutions fast.

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kreuzwerker GmbH
Ritterstraße 12
Hof 2, Aufgang 4, 3. OG
10969 Berlin
+49 30 609 8388 0


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Managed Services

Increase the business value of your cloud by applying operational excellence.
From Infrastructure Run Management to full-fledged Managed Hosting.

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We’ll help you assess, migrate and improve your AWS OpenSearch and Elasticsearch based search solutions.

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Windows Workloads

We’ll help you assess, migrate and review your Windows workloads on AWS with a strong focus on servers, databases and Active Directory connections.

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App Modernization

Get guidance and support throughout your modernization journey. 
Give us a call today.

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